About Impactswell

There is no passion to be found in playing small—in settling for a life that is less than you are capable of living.
— Nelson Mandela

Spend some time inside any community, anywhere in the world, and you’ll find people doing good work. Meaningful work. Work that goes beyond growing the bottom line, and is tactfully working toward positive social and environmental change. The type of work that consumers would stand behind, if they only knew about it.

Impactswell creates customisable, beautifully designed impact reports to help small purpose-driven businesses, B Corps and NGOs communicate their impact. Impactswell’s customers are micro to small-sized social enterprises and NGOs who are making huge waves in their communities and impact in their areas of focus, but often lack the resources needed to build out impact reports themselves.

On our website we also share thoughtful stories and resources that enable social entrepreneurs, organisations, and individuals to hone their message and amplify their impact in the digital space.

Stay connected @impactswell


Let’s collaborate!

Have a question, story to share, or a potential collaboration project? Send us a message and we’ll be in touch.